miƩrcoles, 14 de marzo de 2007

Transformative Risk Management by Andres Agostini

HAZARD is a function of a solvent's toxicity and the amount which volatilizes and ...

Transformative Risk Management by Andres Agostini

HAZARD is a function of the way a chemical is. produced, used or discarded.

Transformative Risk Management by Andres Agostini

HAZARD is a function of the probability.

Transformative Risk Management by Andres Agostini

Risk is a function of hazard, exposure and dose. Even a hazardous material doesn't pose risk if there is no exposure.

Transformative Risk Management by Andres Agostini

RISK is a function of the existance of the human beign, who lives in a social environment under permanent variation.

Transformative Risk Management by Andres Agostini

RISK is a function of the chemical’s. toxicity and exposure to it.

Transformative Risk Management by Andres Agostini

Risk is a function of price but risk can certainly be a matter of perception. Real risk, perceived risk and relative risk has flowed like a river through much of human history, slightly chaotic in nature and a little bit dangerous, no?